Need a nice quality stylish rug for your lifestyle, but tired of your rugs wearing out or even unraveling on the ends when you run the vacuum over it, long cow hide rug before they have paid for themselves? Then it’s time for to look at purchasing a cow hide rug for your home or office.

Never let yourself be miss led when thinking about a cowhide rug. Most people fall victim to the thinking that a cow hide rug belongs in homes in Texas or on a ranch. Well times are a changing, and that’s not the case anymore.

Many people assume that all cowhide rugs are the cow skin rug same. As a result, they purchase low priced rugs that crack and shed within a few years. Cowhide is a very tough and resilient product. When properly taken care of they will last a lifetime. Hard to tear or puncture, and will never come unraveled on the ends. The natural oils on a cowhide help resist stains and dirt, which is a plus in a home with animals or little ones.

A cowhide rug is also hypo allergenic, so if you have a loved one that suffers from allergies this rug will not cause issues or flare ups. Making a cowhide rug an easy choice from other synthetic rugs.

With modern technology making a cowhide into something that will fit any lifestyle in any town or city, has become easy.

Natural cowhides are all different in themselves. Coming from the hide of a cow, no two are alike. So even if you stay up with the trend of a cowhide rug in your home, it will not be just like your neighbors!

The styles to choose from are endless. Even exotic options are out there. Now a days you can choose from zebra print, tiger print, leopard and the list goes on and on. With quality and care a cowhide can be dyed into just about any pattern.

If you prefer the look of a nice even rug, cowhides can fill that role also. Many places offer round or oval cow hide rugs, with designs on them. It is becoming ever more popular to cut separate pieces of cowhide to mix and match, then sowing the pieces together to make a design. Results have been stunning and still high quality.

Cowhides are also not just for the floor anymore. They have become favorites as wall hangings. Whether they are hung alone on the wall or used as a back drop for pictures, they can take a dole boring wall, into the focal point of the room. They are very versatile and becoming very popular in all walks of life.