The not so secret locations where the best plus size fashion is to be found…

For people with a clothing size above a certain number, for a long time it was difficult to find stylish clothes that fit properly. Often if you needed plus size clothing you were relegated from the high street fashion ranks to only a small selection of shops which had big enough budgets and inclusive enough philosophies to incorporate larger sizes in their catalogues. The plus size clothing was often unsympathetically scaled up from the standard size leaving the plus sized clothing with some altogether unflattering angles and shapes which no woman would enjoy wearing or feel confident in. So in this enlightened day and age, where do plus sized people buy their clothes?


Buying and selling plus sized clothing online is big business. Much like every other range of clothing these days, being able to sell it online is a necessity. One thing plus sized people may especially appreciate about online clothes shopping is that they can try things on in their own home or just browse without feeling self conscious.

High Street

The high street is now more capable than ever at catering for a larger audience. With large department stores like Selfridges and Harrods now catering for plus sized fashion there is precedence amongst high street retailers to provide for everyone, not just those with the average sized waists.

Special Shops

Both online and offline there are a number of speciality shops which specifically cater for plus sized clothing. Marina Rinaldi is one such store which has designer status and high street stores in all the most premier shopping streets in the world’s most fashionable cities. Elena Grunert is another such designer who produces stunning plus size clothes for the fashion hungry community. Stores such as this are proving to the fashion world without question that you don’t have to be stick thin to merit the top fashions. After all if every person who is a plus size 26 went out to buy high end fashion items you can be assured that fashion houses would take notice. Money talks!


Of course we don’t all have Gucci wallets to dip into for high end plus sized clothing, so as an alternative, charity shops are now stocking a good selection of plus sized clothing and it’s not just granny outfits. Tip: try charity shopping in the more affluent parts of town. Many people who like giving to charity and have a fair bit of money, prefer to buy clothing themselves and donate it to their local charity shop as this is more fun than just handing over a cheque.

She Might Be is an online plus size fashion community. Our writers cover everything from self-love and body positivity, to parenting and lifestyle. We’re always looking for new writers so get in touch if you have something you want to write about! Visit She Might Be